Category: Celebrations
This was our “Science. Art. Film.” series in Semester 1 (2023)!
“Science. Art. Film.” – what a treat!
What humour strategies are used to create a fantasy of science-based emotions in “Inside Out” and to what effect?
Humour and science as fantasy
AnthropologyUnearthed – Art in Archaeology & Anthropology
New publication by Popsicule collaborator Dr Mathieu Leclerc and team!
The Popsicule is celebrating the brand-new Popsicule brochure!
Learn more about Teri Lim and her amazing design projects on…
“Science. Art. Film.” is back in 2023!
Explore the weird, wacky and wonderful facets of science & art…
Two papers on environmental fragility published on the same day!
In contemporary Indigenous Australian fiction, all (non-)human animals, plants and the…
The power of humour to communicate and counter social conventions about science and gender!
Challenging the stereotype through humor? “Spongebob Squarepants”, “Adventure Time” and science
Have you ever thought about Santa’s laughter – and what it means? Here are some reflections on JOKER SANTA!
Benign “Ho Ho Ho!” Christmas dude or a side-splitting Joker Santa?
From killer robot to sweatshop boss: Santa on screen…
Merry Christmas!
New article about the Joker in the ANU Reporter!
We could all be a bit of a Joker…