Science goes pop

Pop culture shapes our thoughts, feelings, understanding and relationship with science. From movies and TV shows to books, comics, street art and beyond, pop culture has a profound impact on how we perceive, engage with, and even participate in scientific exploration. Pop culture also shapes the cultural meanings of science. In our “Science goes Pop” workshop organised with and at the University of Cologne – held at the Erich Auerbach Institute for Advanced Studies – we explored with German colleagues, (PhD) students and guests the cultural meanings of science in pop-cultural contexts, their relationship to trust and the challenges of knowledge transfer, with the aim of clarifying how pop-cultural narratives about science influence our public discourses and understanding of science – and thus our science-society relationship. And it was so inspiring!!!
— with Prof. Stephan Packard (University of Cologne), Prof. Daniel Heßler (FH Dortmund), Dr Torsten Weber and Crystal-Leigh Clitheroe and many super engaged (PhD) students and guests from the University of Cologne and beyond!

This event was supported by AlumNode – your network by Klaus Tschira Stiftung. Thanks to all our collaborators and friends who made this event possible, including the Erich Auerbach Institute for Advanced Studies!
Stay tuned for more!
